Turmo.com® - Direct Online Energy Comparison

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Choosing an electricity supplier and saving on your monthly energy bill is easy!


Competition for the best deal has been around for a long time, but not for electricity for your home. Today, that's changed. Now customers can comparison shop for electricity... and that's good news. Many states restructured in recent years and introduced competition into the electricity marketplace, so, even though your utility still delivers your electricity they don't necessarily sell it to you. Now you can purchase and compare electricity rates online!






  *All costs are estimates based on internal calculations and available information which may include but not limited to the estimated cost of the energy supply component plus the estimated cost of Transmission and distribution Rates that go to your local wires company. They are estimates and should be used for comparison purposes only. Your actual bill could vary. Please review the Retail Electric Provider's Terms of Service document for actual rates and more details.  
  Please note: Turmo.com® inc. is not your energy provider. Turmo.com provides an online exchange that allows you to switch, transfer or establish energy service.
Turmo.com does not provide the electricity into your home or office, please contact your electric provider from the number located on your bill if you have any
questions about your service. For more information, please email us at:
support@turmo.com or you can click Contact Us.
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